Senior Property/GLPD Adjuster Promoted - Colonial Adjustment - Colonial Adjustment

Senior Property/GLPD Adjuster Promoted

Ryan Coffin, AIC
Assistant Property/GLPD Supervisor& Senior Adjuster

Please join us in congratulating Senior Property/GLPD Adjuster, Ryan Coffin, on his well-deserved promotion to Assistant Property/GLPD Supervisor and Senior Adjuster! 

Ryan joined Colonial in 2013, and has consistently worked to expand his knowledge and grow as an insurance professional through continuing education and practical application experience here at Colonial. He always welcomes new opportunities to grow professionally and take on additional responsibilities. Ryan’s enthusiasm for his profession shows in his commitment to our clients, and his service-oriented attitude. He deeply values building relationships, and is also active in several professional organizations including as a Board member of Southern Maine Claims Association, and a Committee member of the MIAA’s Young Agents Committee.

Ryan has a BS in Business Administration, Risk Management and Insurance, and earned his in Associate in Claims (AIC) designation in 2016. In his new role, Ryan will be managing a team of adjusters and assisting in the training and development of Property & GLPD Adjusters. Congratulations Ryan!

Please feel free to reach out to Ryan to congratulate him. He can be reached at, 207-797-903