Luke began working for Colonial in August 2006, joining the Property division as an enthusiastic and ambitious new adjuster. He took advantage of every learning and mentoring opportunity, demonstrating a strong work ethic and eagerness to advance his expertise and career. Luke has been assigned nearly 300 fire losses and hundreds of other major losses, with over 40% of his current losses categorized as major losses. His strong leadership abilities, thoughtful demeanor, and eager willingness to accept and meet challenges, make him an excellent mentor to our new adjusters. Because of his many attributes, clients routinely seek out Luke for claims handling.
Luke is a graduate of Johnson & Wales University with a bachelor’s degree in International Business. He grew up in a family business that demanded 24/7 attention, teaching him the sense of commitment and dedication he demonstrates in his role as a General Adjuster. He loves the variety … Read More
We celebrated several key promotions at our Annual Meeting in both our property and casualty areas. Please help us congratulate the following individuals for their advancing expertise as they assume their new levels of adjustment qualification:
Alex joined Colonial in 2015 after several years adjusting claims for a national insurance carrier where he benefited from extensive training programs. He has handled losses primarily in Vermont and New England, but has also spent time handling Catastrophe claims throughout the country during large storm events including Super Storm Sandy in Manhattan, NY in 2012. He handles both homeowners and commercial losses in our Property Division, as well as Contractor Property Damage investigations for our Casualty area.
At Colonial, Alex participates in efficiency committees, including learning and demonstrating tablet-based estimating and claim databases that influence our current technology configurations. He always answers the after-hour call, and has handled … Read More
The team at Colonial Adjustment, Inc. wishes you a joyous holiday season and a new year of peace and happiness! Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to working with you in 2021!
We never lose sight of the gratitude we have for our dedicated team here at Colonial. Nothing reminds us more of this than our Service Recognition plaque that hangs in our lobby. It recognizes the outstanding commitment and loyalty our team members have to Colonial as demonstrated by their longevity in the company. This year’s update increases the 5 Years of Service category to 15 individuals, we have nine people with 10 Years of Service, and six individuals with over 20 years of service to Colonial! This commemorative gesture means so much to us as it signifies our deep appreciation of our steadfast and faithful Colonial family who have been serving our clients since 1974.… Read More
Our CEO Scott Kidder recently celebrated 25 years at Colonial Adjustment, Inc., the business that his father started. Here he shares his thoughts on this milestone, as well as some of his personal and professional reflections on leadership:
This past week marked my 25-year work anniversary at Colonial Adjustment. This milestone anniversary marking a quarter century of personal and professional growth in this family business that my father started in 1974, combined with everything that our company has been faced with through the COVID-19 pandemic over the last several months, has me feeling reflective. introspective
In 1995 I was fresh out of college, just having graduated from the University of Denver with a Business Administrative degree. I traveled home across country that summer, bought a new suit, and began working full-time at Colonial with my dad and brother. I had worked many summers at the company prior to this, riding … Read More
We recognize that everyone has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our dedicated team here at Colonial Adjustment continues to provide essential services to people, as they rely on their insurance carriers to provide an immediate response to their claims. While we have been doing everything we can to keep our team safe and healthy so they can continue to serve our clients, we also want to do what we can to help the many people in need. Colonial Adjustment, Inc. will be donating 10% of our income earned as a result of handling coronavirus-related claims to the Good Shepherd Food Bank of Maine. The Good Shepherd organization has been channeling its efforts to ensure the people of Maine continue to have access to the food they need during this crisis. We are grateful that we can support these vital services.
If you would like to know how you can … Read More
We want to provide you with an update on how we at Colonial Adjustment, Inc. are addressing the challenges of the coronavirus (COVID-19) as the illness continues to impact us all.
Our primary concern is for the health and safety of our Colonial family – our clients and their insureds, and our team and colleagues. For that reason, we have put in place several protocols intended to keep our staff and the community safe, while still allowing our adjusters to continue to serve our clients. Company travel has been restricted to the states that we service, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, and our staff is working remotely from their homes. We are grateful that technology allows us to practice safe social distancing, and remain fully functional as a company. We believe our safety and screening procedures will be seamless to our clients as you should not experience any lack of … Read More